Young people’s views
We operate in a manner which enhances every young person’s opportunity to independence and their right of choice. Our young residents are actively encouraged to be involved in the development and running of their home and we achieve this through a number of participation and involvement activities.

Independence and Choice
We are committed to enhancing every child’s independence, and opportunity to make everyday choices. We acknowledge the positive impact this has on young people, in encouraging them to become more self-aware and gain the confidence to grow and thrive.
We maintain open communication between young people and staff, allowing young people to express their opinions, views and participate in open discussions both during formal and informal settings. These include planning meetings, reviews and regular ‘house chats’. Any interaction of this nature is formally recorded, and young people are able to receive regular feedback following consultation to ensure that their voice is heard and listened to.
Young people’s opinions and views on the care and support they receive are monitored through private one to one sessions with someone they choose to talk to. These sessions are recorded and kept on their individual case files. Young People are also consulted by the person undertaking Regulation 44 visits and as part of the Regulation 45 bi-annual reports, where any concerns, compliments or ideas they may have about services provided are recorded and considered.

Hear by Right
We are committed to adopting the Hear by Right standards to ensure young people have a say in their own care. This framework was created with and for young people, fostering a culture of embedding youth voice and inclusivity. It is a continual journey for keeping young people at the heart of decision making whilst increasing their voice, influence and place within each unique setting and wider society.
An elected representative from each of our Headway homes is identified on a six-monthly basis to bring forth any ideas, matters or concerns that young people in our care may have. These meetings are held twice-annually to discuss the day to day running of Headway to ensure young people have a say in the organisation, and its policies and procedures.
The opportunity to get involved in this way means that young people in our care can develop new skills, increase their confidence and self-esteem, and benefit from new and improved services that have been made in response to their needs.

Enjoyment and Positive Relationships
We actively encourage young people’s involvement in activities both in the homes and within the local community, and promote the maintenance of positive relationships with the important people in their lives.

Education and Therapy
We work with and advocate for access to education, ensuring the needs of the individual child are identified and met through well thought out and detailed placement plans. We are proactive in recognising any achievements made by the young people and celebrate these with them.

Behavioural Support
At Headway, we believe that young people should be assisted to develop socially acceptable behaviour through encouragement of positive behaviour and constructive responses to inappropriate behaviour.