Cardiff Road
Cardiff Road house is located in South Wales and is registered to care for two young people under 17, and can facilitate a mixed gender accommodation.

Registered Manager: Darren Williams
Cardiff Road Home is located on the outskirts of a large city in South Wales, and can care for two young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD).
The home has excellent public transport links, with local shops and a major supermarket being just a short walk.
One of the largest public parks in the city is just a few yards away, and includes facilities for young people such as a skate-park and an outdoor water play area.
The city centre is approximately 1.5 miles from the home where there a huge range of shops, restaurants and department stores.
A range of outdoor activities are easily accessible and include:
- Walks and cycle paths along the Brecon and Monmouthshire canal
- Swimming and sports at the leisure centre
- Parks and recreational grounds are available for ball games such as football and rugby
- Nature reserves
- Stunning countryside
- Numerous Welsh Heritage sites and castles
- Cinema’s and Bowling centres
- Trampoline park
- BMX park
There are also various youth groups run at the local YMCA, and an Army Barracks which provides various Cadet groups just a few miles away.
The home is in close proximity to a range of health services and places of worship.
The home has a multi-agency directory which provides additional resources local to the home to support any young people with their care, educational, health needs and also with their hobbies and interests.
Care staff are attentive and familiar with young people’s needs. They take time to communicate and engage with young people and encourage their participation in activities in the home, education and the community and promote their independence.
Care Inspectorate Wales 2022
Young people choose how to spend their free time. Some like to spend time in the community with friends but also enjoy taking part in occasional activities with care staff. Those who need support to engage in community based activities are supported to do so.
Care Inspectorate Wales 2022
Young people enjoy good health. Arrangements are in place for them to access health care appropriate to their needs and records are in place to demonstrate appointments are attended and to monitor their physical, mental and emotional health.
Care Inspectorate Wales 2022
Care staff communicate with young people in a warm, relaxed manner and take time to listen and seek their views.
Care Inspectorate Wales 2022
Our Approach
Each of our Headway homes is a welcoming, safe and secure environment equipped to care for young people with varying needs. We are dedicated to helping individuals to feel comfortable, cared for and supported throughout their time with us. Our homes guide the young people in our care to make healthy choices, make positive contributions to the world around them and get the most out of life.